Family Dentistry

At What Age Should a Child See a Dentist?

Lurking cavities? Tooth decay? Gum disease? It’s all preventable if you invest in your child’s dental health now.  But when’s the right time to make your child’s first dental appointment? It may be a lot sooner than you think.  According to the American Association of Pediatric Dentists, the best time to schedule the first visit […]

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Tooth Loss

Losing teeth is something many people probably don’t give much thought to. After all, it doesn’t seem to be that serious of a concern compared to issues that can severely affect your health, right? On the surface, it may seem like tooth loss is simply a cosmetic issue, which is why a lot of people […]

What’s With Wisdom Teeth?

What’s the point of wisdom teeth if so many people must have them removed? We get this question a lot at Your Community Dental. Indeed, it seems a cruel trick that these molars are able to cause so many problems. As is often the case, wisdom teeth, which tend not to erupt until patients are […]

Ouch! What To Do About Sensitive Teeth

If you’re someone who experiences sensitive teeth, you may be afraid of sugary foods and drinks, cold beverages, or cold weather. We’ve got some tips for helping you manage the pain that comes from sensitive teeth.  Old Habits Pie Hard Your grandmother may make the best pecan pie in the world, but consider finding an […]