
The Importance of Regular Dental Care

We’ve all heard the mantra throughout our lifetimes that, in order to have a healthy set of teeth, we need to brush twice daily for two minutes at a time. But how many of us can honestly say we maintain a consistent schedule of brushing? An unofficial poll conducted by Yahoo showed that almost half […]

How Halloween Treats Can Play Tricks on Your Teeth – Using Alternatives to Candy for Trick-or-Treating

It seems that every major holiday has its candy, but perhaps none more so than Halloween. Whether your kids’ stash comes in a pillow sack or a pumpkin named Jack, candy isn’t the reason for the season. Go ahead and bone up on the history of trick-or-treating while and learn about some healthier alternatives you […]

Know Your Family History: Some Oral Heath Disorders Are Genetic

You brush, you floss, you rinse your mouth with mouth wash, and you visit your dentist routinely but you still seem to have a number of things wrong with your oral health. Sometimes, no matter how good your oral hygiene is, oral health disorders can still happen. There are several genetic tooth disorders that can […]